Ramblings of a teenage MK

Friday, August 04, 2006


The resolution aint the best but this is a smurf made with computer caracters


  • haha! cool!

    Hey! you don't have the "fill out this thing-y that makes no sense except to be annoying" on your blog! AWESOME!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 AM  

  • Wow! Huzzah! Welcome to Blogger, Joel!

    And yeah, you don't have to do the captcha thing until search engines find your site and robots start posting random comments in like a year or so.

    Other than that, have fun playing around with your blogger blog!

    If you have any questions about it, just drop me a comment, and I'll reply on your blog... or something like that. :)

    You certainly have more freedom here, the only thing it's lacking is the people. Why oh why did everyone latch onto xanga? It's probably because Katie ended up choosing a Xanga blog, and everyone followed suit. *Sigh*

    Okay, enough of bloated comment, I am outta here. Will add link to new blog soon!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:34 AM  

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