Ramblings of a teenage MK

Friday, August 11, 2006

What kind of post is this!

Gosh what busy days I have been having. Anyways, I am back home now: that is no internet at home, no A/C. Man, am I depressed or what!

AH now I remember what I was gonna( sf for going to) write about:
The Wikipedia CD. For all of us who dont ( most of the time) have internet at home ( that is excluding the people at the CMA PBT Compound!), it would be nice to browse some wiipedia articles at our leisure.
Well, YES, there is a way. SOS volunteers have chosen 2000 articles from the wikipedia website on various topics, have edited them and put them as a zip file on their SOS website.
The link is in the side bar or u can click here (if it works!) http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/charity-news/education-cd.htm

Well, thats all 4 today.
Secret Agent Smith-Jones (aka Joel)
On the next issue of Ramblings Of a teenage MK": Avalon signed Poster!


  • OOooo. Wiki on CD. Sounds sweet.

    Too bad I would have no use for it, being connected to the internet at all times as I am. Hehehe. Sorry. I got it too good here in the USA. Town power is on all the time, too. It's crazy awesome! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:53 AM  

  • Yesh I didnt think that it would aapply to u

    and yay this is joel

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:50 PM  

  • Wow! I can't believe I wrote all this stuff on my blog! I am a total genius! I don't even know half of what I write and it is good! Mwahahahahahaha! I just got on and poof it was all there! It is that easy for me to write up this stuff.

    By Blogger Joel, at 6:07 PM  

  • i'm a little lost... but that is normal. :-D apparently...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 PM  

  • fun chatting with you the other day... once I knew and believed it was you anyway. haha.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:43 PM  

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