Ramblings of a teenage MK

Friday, August 18, 2006

Darn you Wikipedia

Well it all started like this:
Once upon a time in a land far far away..... woops wrong story
Well me and Jonathan were bored during our lunch break at CMA the otherday so I said: "Why don't I make a wikipedua article of non other than John Wilkos
Well...we did! And here's how it looked ( past tense)

But since Wikipedia is evil (hehehehe), one of the administrators decided toDELETE the article. Gosh you say, isnt that EVIL.well here is the message that I got:

Well this isnt much of a post but on another note I am finished helping out at the PBT meetungs. ( No more humiliating Games {Dont ask!}) lol



(Technicly I should say good day or something like that but right now it is theevening and I wont post this until tomorrow) gosh thats confising =)


  • Hey Joel! You aren't going to help out at PBT events anymore? Why not? I mean the worst part was...umm...well maybe you don't want me to mention the worst part. But Ducky Wuckie wasn't so bad...neither were any of the other games. Though I agree that it was a bit annoying sometimes...games were sort of hard this time...hard to find good games that everyone can do. Hmm...that was fun posting the article on John. Too bad they didn't keep the post on the thing...oh well. At least John can look at his post that was rejected. Don't you look great John?

    By Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings", at 4:04 PM  

  • My goodness I am flattered! My own wikipedia article! Hahaha, I tried to make one about myself as well once, and it also got deleted. Wiki has no love for the john. :) *Sigh* Someday it will come. *Sigh*

    Actually, you know what, I think that it is possible to sign on to wikipedia and then if you make articles they are more likely to stay up, but I don't really have any idea.

    Yeah, and I read about your humiliating adventures in childcare on Jonathan's blog, and it sounded, well, humiliating. :) I am glad that I don't have to do branch meeting childcare anymore!

    Hahah, and good show taking a screen shot of the article before it was taken down! Excellent ESP.

    By Blogger John, at 2:46 AM  

  • I just enlarged the pic of wikipedia's response to the article, and they called "John Wilkos" nonsense!

    NONSENSE. I am so insulted!

    ...okay, maybe they were right.

    :P Wikipedia. More like, uh, worserpedia.

    Oooooo, snap!

    By Blogger John, at 2:53 AM  

  • hahahaha. Ahhh, too bad it got deleted. Hey! I thought I already commented on this post... hmmmmm... weird.

    Well, have a great day Joel!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:59 PM  

  • man you're old! 200+ years. SHEESH! How on earth can you understand all this newfangled technology? ;-) ;-) Ok... have a good day!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 AM  

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