Ramblings of a teenage MK

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

National News

theHoopScoop The Hacker Strikes AgainFor the 12th time in 5 weeks, the US Government's computers have been broken into. All 12 attacks happened to different systems and servers within the government. What sets these attacks apart is the evidence left behind. "We do know that the hacker goes by the alias, theHoopScoop. And, each attack has disrupted service for an average of 5 hours. This has added up to a total loss of nearly 18 million dollars due to system repairs and upgrades." Said Dr. Richard Marciniak, lead technical engineer for the US Government.The attacks are far from average. The hacker logs into the system and plants a virus. The virus then spreads across the system, altering every file very slightly. These changes can throw off huge calculations in government funds, allocated resources and many more critical areas of the government. Government officials are looking into the hacker alias, theHoopScoop and are getting close to finding the origins of the attacks. The hacker is facing an estimated 70 years in prison and enormous fines.
Click Here for more information about this article.

Related Stories:Hackers Tamper With Election Results
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  • DAh! What! I didn't mean to! Nooo!!!!!! Someone is framing me! Ahhh! I am innocent! I didn't do anything. Nope nothing on my part! I don't even know how to post videos on my blog! Sheesh! How do they expect me to hack into a GOVERNMENT computer system? ;-)

    By Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings", at 12:09 PM  

  • I know who dun it! It was my clone! Please refer to my blog (www.thehoopscoop.blogspot.com) for further info on my clone (a very ill-tempered and less perfect version of myself I assure you) he must have done something though because he is in the world of cyberspace and so naturally he would be more qualified to do such an evil deed! Noooooooo!!!!!! Whyyyyy? I must go hunt down that villain!

    By Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings", at 2:22 PM  

  • hahhahhhahahhhahaaha!!! Poor Jonathan. Now I finally get it... that was waaaaaaayyyy over my head. haha.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 PM  

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