Ramblings of a teenage MK

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

National News

theHoopScoop The Hacker Strikes AgainFor the 12th time in 5 weeks, the US Government's computers have been broken into. All 12 attacks happened to different systems and servers within the government. What sets these attacks apart is the evidence left behind. "We do know that the hacker goes by the alias, theHoopScoop. And, each attack has disrupted service for an average of 5 hours. This has added up to a total loss of nearly 18 million dollars due to system repairs and upgrades." Said Dr. Richard Marciniak, lead technical engineer for the US Government.The attacks are far from average. The hacker logs into the system and plants a virus. The virus then spreads across the system, altering every file very slightly. These changes can throw off huge calculations in government funds, allocated resources and many more critical areas of the government. Government officials are looking into the hacker alias, theHoopScoop and are getting close to finding the origins of the attacks. The hacker is facing an estimated 70 years in prison and enormous fines.
Click Here for more information about this article.

Related Stories:Hackers Tamper With Election Results
Hacker Breaks Into IRS, Gives Millions of Tax Refunds
New Virus Disables TV Remotes

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yes, I CAN fix a laptop!

Hello peoples....thought that today I would post some pics of my interesting laptop fixing experience yesterday.

But first I will have to explain why I had to fix it: The place where my power supply plugs into my laptop was broken, soooo I took it into town and they said that it would cost $20 to fix it.....and I didnt want to dish out that kind of money ($$$Cha Ching$$$) soooo.....I took it apart

I found the problem....and fixed it:

And Here is a picture of it all done:

Have a nice day


Friday, August 18, 2006

Darn you Wikipedia

Well it all started like this:
Once upon a time in a land far far away..... woops wrong story
Well me and Jonathan were bored during our lunch break at CMA the otherday so I said: "Why don't I make a wikipedua article of non other than John Wilkos
Well...we did! And here's how it looked ( past tense)

But since Wikipedia is evil (hehehehe), one of the administrators decided toDELETE the article. Gosh you say, isnt that EVIL.well here is the message that I got:

Well this isnt much of a post but on another note I am finished helping out at the PBT meetungs. ( No more humiliating Games {Dont ask!}) lol



(Technicly I should say good day or something like that but right now it is theevening and I wont post this until tomorrow) gosh thats confising =)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ahh Kids everywhere

Help me. There is kids everywhere.
Well I should probably explain myself. I am volunteering at the PBT field forum to take care of the kids ( with Katie H, Jonathan and Elizabeth) and its quite fun.
Other than that theres nothing interesting in my life: Dull Guinea =(.

I have no videos 4 today and havent had time to scan my avalon poster.

Thats all 4 today

Test your Internet speed: Go to www.band.yep.it

Friday, August 11, 2006

What kind of post is this!

Gosh what busy days I have been having. Anyways, I am back home now: that is no internet at home, no A/C. Man, am I depressed or what!

AH now I remember what I was gonna( sf for going to) write about:
The Wikipedia CD. For all of us who dont ( most of the time) have internet at home ( that is excluding the people at the CMA PBT Compound!), it would be nice to browse some wiipedia articles at our leisure.
Well, YES, there is a way. SOS volunteers have chosen 2000 articles from the wikipedia website on various topics, have edited them and put them as a zip file on their SOS website.
The link is in the side bar or u can click here (if it works!) http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/charity-news/education-cd.htm

Well, thats all 4 today.
Secret Agent Smith-Jones (aka Joel)
On the next issue of Ramblings Of a teenage MK": Avalon signed Poster!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What do people search AOL for? Now we know

I will copy and paste an article I found because if I would rephrase it, it wouls sound wierd!
Just as Time Warner's AOL unit is reaching out to try to get more users by providing services for free, the Internet service provider has admitted to the kind of gaffe that is likely to scare them away: It inadvertently revealed to the world what 650,000 of its subscribers searched for as they browsed for online information.

The searches often contained data that helped identify the users themselves, including names, Social Security numbers and local landmarks that they had looked up.
The information was posted as a 440-megabyte downloadable file called "500Kusers.tgz " on a Web site, research.aol.com, about ten days ago. It was only when a number of Web logs began linking to the site over the weekend that AOL removed the file, which contained 19 million queries made from March 1 to May 31 . By then, copies of the file and its contents were circulating over the Internet.

In the file, AOL used serial numbers in the place of users' screen names. However, some queries include the names of users who were keen to see what has been written about them on the Web. When the names are bundled together with local restaurants and landmarks, it would be no major feat for friends, employers or fraudsters to work out users' identities.

At time of writing the original page with the download (all 439Mb of it) was unavailable, but it's already now widely available from various so-called 'mirror' sites

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Well from time to time I have watched the show punk'd and yesterday I decided to compile a collection of punk'd videos, but I didnt want to fill my blog with junk... sooo I made an other blog with punk'd videos ( I dont love the show as much as katie loves sutherland and mash(potatoes ^_^ )

Punk'd is an American hidden camera practical joke television series on MTV, produced and hosted by Ashton Kutcher, which first aired in 2003. "Punk'd" refers to the act of having such a prank played on oneself, and the word also refers to the show's style of prank itself.

you shall have to copy and paste the url www.punkd-collection.blogspot.com

Monday, August 07, 2006

Mercedes and (drumroll please) :Best For Last

Man these cars are cool, I want one

And secondly: read below =)

This is a video from my home country (Canada) that expresses modern technology, cultural and language diversity lol!!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Colbert vs Wikipedia

A Colbert Report Segment that I watched a few days ago. Colberts thoughts.
FYI: The elephant article is now locked

Saturday, August 05, 2006

3D Art

Friday, August 04, 2006


The resolution aint the best but this is a smurf made with computer caracters

First Post

Ahhh. I love it how the first post always sounds the cornyest but anyways, I have also created a blogger account to see if you can do anything cooler with it. Anyways, my name is Joel and I live in Africa (not the same Africa where there is elephants and zebras lol). I have just completed grade 10 and go to the Frenchie school in COnakry